Photoshop - The lens correction filter

The examples above show the lens correction filter in Photoshop before and after the filter has been applied. I was inspired to look into this after a talk by Sean Conboy at the Blackpool & Fylde College. He uses high end digital medium format cameras with quality lenses, this allows him much more movement when composing an image. It allows him to correct the lines before he clicks the shutter and has much more versatility than a DSLR with the best tilt shift lens.
As you can see Photoshop does a decent job of emulating the high-end cameras but it still isn’t quite there. It shows that for all the new technology we have, sometimes the more traditional methods work best.

Whilst taking the shot above I used a 20 second shutter, at f/22 & ISO200, I took advantage of the long shutter and used a high-powered torch from a distance to add addition light to the building on the right and to the roof of the building on the left.
I intend to reshoot the shot at an earlier hour giving me a longer exposure time to work with, this will allow me to run across the shot adding extra light to the image.


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