Introduction to InDesign...

We have now started to look at Adobe InDesign in preparation for self producing as part of our final module for the year.
InDesign, like Photoshop allows a lot of freedom and creativity when creating our own work whilst maintaining an industry standard. Also, there is a lot of information on google and youtube to digest as I get further involved with the project.

We first attempted a greeting card type layout following a set of instructions to create the blank document (see below).

Although the set up we used was the dimensions of A5 there were certain thing to change to unsure we correctly designed and printed the card.

Firstly, we changed added three columns with a 3mm gutter to give ourselves a structured template to work with. This means our work should look neat and professional if we stick to our predetermined work area.

Changing the margins to 20mm on all sides keeps this columned area well within the centre of the page we are working on. Setting the bleed to a slightly larger area than the print surface allows you to print right up to the edge of the page knowing that anything placed over the page edge will more than likely not be printed (see below).

After I had set my page up I then experimented with placing images and text onto the page for the first time. I decided on a dog based card using images from past freelance jobs I have done.
I managed to create an average looking card for my first attempt but this was before doing much research into the importance of layout and also fonts and typefaces.

I printed the finished card without any major issues. I now intend to do more research into this area ready for creating my own book as part of my current project.


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